Monday, July 10, 2006

The Rolling Jelly Series: Places About Town

One of the things that was interesting to me about listening to the Jelly Roll Morton stuff was his occasional mentions of specific spots in New Orleans. It was because of this, in fact, that I launched yet another Letters From New Orleans new-technology extravaganza: The LfNO Platial map.

Now, originally, I just thought it would be interesting to point to some of the locales that Morton mentions. Then I thought: Hey, I could also point to the locales that I mention, in LfNO!

And so that's what I did: Both. Plus I layered in notations related to the spinoff "MLK BLVD" project, and this spinoff, the "SJI" obsession Web site you are reading right now.

One last thing: Morton tells an impressive story about witnessing a killing at Jackson Hall, during a Buddy Bolden gig. He says Jackson Hall is in the Garden District, and puts it at the cover of Jackson and Franklin. Well, these days, Jackson and Franklin are in different parts of town and don't cross. If you have any ideas whatsoever as to where this spot may have been, let me know...

<-- Part 1 // Part 3 -->


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